What to Add to Your Product

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What do your TPT resources need?

Your final resource that you upload to TPT should have the following added to it:
⇛ An amazing cover
⇛ Your quality product (any directions, student pages, answer keys)
⇛ A Terms of Use (TOU) page
⇛ Credit for clip art/photos and font artists per their TOU
⇛ Your email, blog, and social media contacts with hyperlinks
⇛ Other products you offer (upsell) with hyperlinks


Every resource you make needs a cover whether the resource is free or paid. I like to create a rectangular cover that is included with my resource PDF and a square cover (any square size will do) that is uploaded to TPT separately. It is super important that you create your OWN style for your cover so that you stand out from other sellers. Do not duplicate someone else's cover design. You can find more information about covers on the following blog posts:

Quality Product

You want to make sure you are creating a quality resource. It should be professional looking. Be sure to include things like Teacher Information, Teacher Directions, Table of Contents (on larger resources), Lesson Plan (if desired), Student Pages, Black & White Version if student pages are in color, Answer Keys. More about products can be found on these blog posts:

Terms of Use, Credits, Links, Offers

Some people put all of this on one page. I use 2 pages in my products: 
  1. Terms of Use Page 
  2. Contacts/Upsell Page/Credit Page 
➯ The Terms of Use (TOU) page is highly important to include. We all know teachers are a sharing bunch. Most of us have shared a worksheet or activity in our time. The TOU page tells the buyer that the resource is only for their personal use and is not to be shared including in an on-line space that isn't password protected. I let them know what is okay as the buyer and what is not okay. Here's a copy of mine. I hope you find it useful. Feel free to use it, tweak it, or disregard it. If you are looking at others' TOUs, do not just copy it. Ask the seller first!
Terms of Use, What to Add to Products, TPT Seller, Tips for TPT Sellers

➯ Be sure to give credit to all of the wonderful clip art and font artists. They each will have a Terms of Use. Be sure to read each one and give credit according to their directions. TPT does expect you to give credit for everything even if you created it or the artist doesn't require crediting. Always give credit!

➯ Don't forget to add your contact information - email, store, blog, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. Be sure to hyperlink them so buyers can just click and go. Check all links after securing your product to be sure they are live and headed in the right direction.

➯ Offer other products. What else do you have that the buyer might like? I do 3 products with the cover image and hyperlinked to the product. You can choose however many you would like to do. 
Credits Page, TPT Seller Help, Tips for TPT Sellers

You can condense this information to 1 or 2 pages but be sure to add it to every product.

Please remember that you can use the wording from my pages but need to have your own design. Thanks!

Be sure to check all of your resources to see if you have include these 6 items: Cover, Quality Product, Terms of Use, Credits, Links to You, Other Product Offers.

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