Dressing Up the TPT Quote Area

Dressing Up the TPT Quote Area

In your quote area (the gray box beside your logo), you can do several things.
You can:
✍ put a quote
✍ put a link to something in your store
✍ put an image
✍ put multiple images into a GIF

Today I'm going to talk about putting in an image - just one photo that doesn't move.

First, create an image that you would like to add to your quote area. The size should be about 450 pixels by 150 pixels (1.5 inches by 0.5 inches at 300 ppi). The matching background gray color is #f1f1f1.
Dressing up the TPT Quote Area

Go to My Account
Dressing Up the TPT Quote Area

Click on Store Profile and then Edit
Dressing Up the TPT Quote Area

Change or add in the Personal Quote box

☞ Make sure you are on Image/Link and not Text.
☞ Click on Choose File. Choose your image from your computer.
 You can link this image to new products in your store, a custom category, or a specific product.
 In the box under Max File Size, place the URL to where you are linking.

Click Save and you are finished!