Choose a Size for your Cover

Choose a Size for your TPT Covers, Man thinking about Portrait or Square Covers

Now that you know you need covers for your TPT products, it's time to find out a little more about covers. (If you missed the post on the need for covers, click here >> Product Covers and Why You Need Them.)

Cover Size Decisions

Strips of paper, top text portrait/landscape covers, bottom text square covers
Using a portrait/landscape cover means you can just upload your product and use the generated thumbnails.

Using a square cover gives you more real estate to have a larger title and use the graphics that you want. You do have to upload this & your other thumbnails separately which is not a huge deal.

I started out with portrait/landscape covers. It was easy to do since it fit with the size of the resource. I finally converted over to a square cover. One way to do this is to use the portrait cover and have a strip of black on the side. I did that for a while and it worked for me until a lot of other sellers started doing the same thing. I don't suggest everyone do that because the point is for YOUR products to stand out in the sea of resources.
Image of rectangle portrait cover, Image of square cover
Whichever you choose, be consistent. Use the same size for all covers.

Make a Decision!

✧ Go take a look at your store and other stores (established and newer).
✧ Do a TPT search for any topic and look at the variety of covers.
✧ Decide on your cover size before you go any further with your products. You will be happy that you did.
 Do NOT take someone else's cover design. Create your own look!

More about covers and creating them >> Anatomy of a TPT Cover. 

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    Image: Man thinking with light bulbs around him, Text Portrait or Square - Choose Your Cover Size for Your TPT Resources
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